
фебруар 15, 2016

Crop in the night

Hi guys.So the reason I called this post crop in the night is because first it's night and second because of the sweater.This is my new sweater and I absolutely gorgeous.I was looking for some sweater with that big thing around your neck and I wanted to be big,nice,and comfy.I am sorry because photos are shady and that.Oupsss

Prvo razlog zasto sam ovaj post nazvala crop in the nightje taj sto,prvo je bila noc drugi razlog je taj sto je ovaj dzemper manje vise crop.
Dugo sam trazila dzemper koji ima veću rolku koja mi SE neće zalepiti za vrat.Jako je udoban,mekan,i veliki sto je najvaznije zato sto su skoro sve moje stvari 1-2 broja veće.I Izvinjavam SE zato sto su slike mutne.

Your anddstresas

фебруар 13, 2016

Valentine`s Day & How to like that

Happy Valentine.Ah so corny,for some people.And one of those people is me.I always hated Valentine`s day because i don`t know.I just did not liked that day.I still don`t.So,if you are one of the persons that love Valentine`s day,don`t read this.Kidding.I think that this kind of let`s sy holidays are not real.I mean what if someone lose their love ones or what if they breakup that day.What if..In every single sentence there is that famous What if,Why,and all of those w words that are ruining something maybe funny.Behind everything,every sigle thing in our lives there are some questions.Maybe the questions that we are not ready to answer to.Even if you are spending tomorrow`s day alone,it`s okay.You need to know that you will survive.Don`t be ashemed of beeing alone.I`m alone to.An that is why i call this day Alone day or Day to be alone.But you are not alone.
And now we come to the part where i should tell you how to love Valentine`s Day.But you actually don`t have to like this day.No one will tell you that you NEED to love this day.But just remember if you don`t have a boyfried or girlfriend that does not mean that you are alone.Valentine`s Day is not just for the couples.That day is also the day for the people that you love and like.That day is made so that you can tell your parents,friends,and all of those persons in your life how much you love them.That day is made fot you.Remember.It is made so that you can tell someone how much you love them.How much they mean to you.What you feel forr them,What do you like about them.That is also a day where you can  stop hating,stop fighting and stop being mad at your best friend,for example.That day is given to you so that you can fix something broken.On that day,many many things can happen to you.You can fall in love,meet new people..Do sometthing new.And that`s okay.And then you will accept that day  is made fot you,your people,your emotions and your heart.Yeah,i know it is corny but believe me,You`ll see that tomorrow.So think that day is like any other day and you will make it and you will survive.Breahte and  smile.Hug someone.Even if you are dark and even if you are listening some dark music.So,that day is made for you to smile.Enjoy because that is the only day in year where you can smile and dance on the street like anyone else.Just be happy.

Love you
Your anddstresas

фебруар 10, 2016

Ted Baker in garage ???

Hello beautiful well people.Today's post is yeah in garage.The Reason is that i wanted to take picture somewhere else but my photographer did not like the idea and...Brberbrbebeb.And it's actually a great idea.It looks kind of weird,I know,but..I actually like it.You know sometimes you need to accept the things the way they are.Andd I have an idea for next TT Stuffs.I know I didn't do them yesterday and I am sorry.That will not happen again


Zdravo,pa ljudi.Današnji post JE u garaži..Znam,znam.Ali imala sam nesuglasice Sa fotografom pa Sta da se radi.Ali izgleda čudno,bezveze ali opet interesantno i možete da zamislite bilo sta.Nekada stvari morate da prihvatite takve kakve su.Što mi dade ideju za sledeći TT Stuffs post koji znam znam nisam napisala juče i izvinjavam se ali potrudiću SE da SE to ne dešava.

Bag-Ted Baker
Shoes-Massimo Dutti
Pants-Massimo Dutti

Love you
Your anddstresas 💜

фебруар 07, 2016

Red wall & cold soul

Hi guys.Today is my last day here in Bulgaria and I want to enjoy as much as possible.Today I was on snowboard and I enjoyed it.Weather here is amazing.We went through all season.First it was warm then snow then sun...I guess that is the reason my head is like a pumpkin.But I still enjoyed it.I made sooo many new memories with wonderful people out here that are always smiling and that can make your day wonderful.And I am going to upload a video from here and I hope so that you can enjoy to.
Ćao društvo.Danas je moj poslednji dan u Bugarskoj i želim da uživam što više mogu.Danas sam bila Na bordu,smrzavala se,jela picu...Nema sta nisam.Vreme ovde JE uzasno cudno u ovo doba godine.Prvo JE za kape,šalove i rukavice a u jednom trenutku je za kratke rukave..Prošli smo kroz sva moguća godišnja doba.Valjda JE to razlog zasto me glava boli.I zašto izgledam kao bundeva.Sakupila sam jako puno divnih,novih sećanja sa ljudima koji SE stalno smeju i ulepšaju ti ceo dan.Sada ću uploadovati video pa se nadam da će ti I vi uživati koliko sam i ja.

Love you
Your anddstresas💜

фебруар 05, 2016

Back in the city

Hi guys.Today's post is mostly black because I just put some clothes on me since we went to Sofia.I needed something comfy but sporty and not so,so...I quess you know what I mean.

P. S. I decided to do TT Stuffs again

Enjoy the week

Ćao društvo.Današnji post  uglavnom crn s obzirom da smo isli u Sofiju I trebalo mi JE nesto udobno,sportsko Ali opet elegantno...Da se tako izrazim.I da,odlucila sam da vratim TT Stuffs ponovo
Tako da će te ih citati sledeće nedelje.
Uživajte u ovoj nedelji

Love you
Your anddstresas🎀

фебруар 04, 2016

White queen

Hello,my dear dear friends.Okay,hi.Hahaha.What's up?This outfit is very wintery,because it's mostly white and blue.When I'm on a vacation and if there is snow I love wearing blue,white..stuffs so that I can be,let's say,like nature and white as a snow

Love you
Your anddstresas ❤️

фебруар 01, 2016

Blue or grey or white

Hello from Bulgaria.I'm still in my new comfy bed but I need to get up.Today is going to be SOOO much fun.It's our first day here so make sure you follow me on my social medias;Instagram,Youtube,Snapchat.See you

Ćao iz Bugarske.Jos uvek sam u krevetu ali treba da se nakanim da ustanem i da odem u nove avanture.Tako da me pratite;Instagram,Snapchat,YouTube..

Shoes-Massimo Dutti 

Love you
Your anddstresas💜

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