
фебруар 15, 2016

Crop in the night

Hi guys.So the reason I called this post crop in the night is because first it's night and second because of the sweater.This is my new sweater and I absolutely gorgeous.I was looking for some sweater with that big thing around your neck and I wanted to be big,nice,and comfy.I am sorry because photos are shady and that.Oupsss

Prvo razlog zasto sam ovaj post nazvala crop in the nightje taj sto,prvo je bila noc drugi razlog je taj sto je ovaj dzemper manje vise crop.
Dugo sam trazila dzemper koji ima veću rolku koja mi SE neće zalepiti za vrat.Jako je udoban,mekan,i veliki sto je najvaznije zato sto su skoro sve moje stvari 1-2 broja veće.I Izvinjavam SE zato sto su slike mutne.

Your anddstresas

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