Another post.I lve this post cause it's blue.Hhaha.I know.But this sunglasses and this gorg leather bag is to die for.I love mixing two or three colors and than that looks amazing.This big shirt is a gift and i have to admit that in the first place i didn't like it but then i found a way.This bag reminds me a lot of Balenciaga bag.Cause they usually have some rivets.OK, let's see the pictures
I..jos jedan novi post.Danasnji post je meni jedan od "morskih" postova iako sam u farmerkama(verovatno zbog plave boje).Majcu sam dobila i prvo sam mislila da je ogromna sto i jeste ali lepo moe da iskombinuje sa nekim drugim odevnim predmetom.Ove naocare su dosle taman gde trebaju zato sto im se stakla presijavaju pa su se lepo uklopila.Sto se tice torbe, koja je po meni najlepsa u celom outfit postu(pored naocara),uzasno me podseca na Balenciaga torbe koje su sa nitnama.Kozna je i sto je najbitnije moze da stane sve zivo
Bag-Hand made