
јануар 31, 2016

Fur and LA

Hi my beautiful friends.Finally new outfit post.Since I'm packing for Bulgaria(going tomorrow),I'm in a big rush.But I have another post for you at Tuesday from Belgrade.As you can probably see,there are some new stuffs.Fur,purse,pants...This beautiful hat with fur is Moncler and I really love it.She is so warm and so fancy.This purse also.She is leather green little purse with this gold thing.She is soooo cute.Right now I'm in a big rush.Right now I am writing this post,uploading new video on YouTube and there are so many things I need to do before tomorrow's trip.Wish me luck

Ćao drustvo.Napokon novi outfit post.Sutra idem u Bugarsku na skijanje i onda mozete da zamislite danasnji dan I sve obaveze koje moram da zavrsim.Kao sto mozete videti imamo neke nove "predmete" na slici.Ova predivna crna,uzasno topla Mocler kapa je trenutno moja omiljena.Isto mogu reći I za ovu malu kožnu zelenu torbicu Sa zlatnim lancem.Jako je slatka i lagana.Dok pisem ovaj post,takodje izbacujem video, i moram da se spremam da krenem a video je tek na 23%.Poželite mi sreću 

Love you💜
Your anddstresas

јануар 14, 2016

Black vs Texas

Hi my beautiful friends.And welcome to the first 2016 post.I am going to post more often(I'll try).For this outfit post as you can see I have Texas shirt under this beautiful grey sweater.It is sooo comfort and cozy.One word:perfection

Ćao drustvo.I dobrodosli u prvi outfit post 2016 godine.Potrudicu SE cesce da izbacujem post I Izvinjavam SE jos jednom zato sto me nije bilo dugo.Kao sto mozete primetiti ispod ovog predivnog sivog dzempera imam texas kosulju koju takodje obozavam.Dzemper JE uzasno topao I cozy I Svako bi trebalo da ima jedan takav.Jednom rečju:savršenstvo

Sweater:Massimo Dutti

јануар 12, 2016

Happy 2016

Hi guys.Long time no see.I am sooo sory for that even if i know that there is no excuses.Happy Holidays.This is a veryy short post because i just wanted to say that i am going to start posting again.Love YOU and see you

Ćao drustvo.Dugo se nismo videli i ja se izvinjavam iako nema izvinjenja.Srećni praznici.Ovaj post je jako kratak kao sto vidite ali ja sam samo zelela da vam kazem da pocinjem ponovo sa postovima.Ljubim vas i vidimo se uskoro 
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