
јануар 31, 2016

Fur and LA

Hi my beautiful friends.Finally new outfit post.Since I'm packing for Bulgaria(going tomorrow),I'm in a big rush.But I have another post for you at Tuesday from Belgrade.As you can probably see,there are some new stuffs.Fur,purse,pants...This beautiful hat with fur is Moncler and I really love it.She is so warm and so fancy.This purse also.She is leather green little purse with this gold thing.She is soooo cute.Right now I'm in a big rush.Right now I am writing this post,uploading new video on YouTube and there are so many things I need to do before tomorrow's trip.Wish me luck

Ćao drustvo.Napokon novi outfit post.Sutra idem u Bugarsku na skijanje i onda mozete da zamislite danasnji dan I sve obaveze koje moram da zavrsim.Kao sto mozete videti imamo neke nove "predmete" na slici.Ova predivna crna,uzasno topla Mocler kapa je trenutno moja omiljena.Isto mogu reći I za ovu malu kožnu zelenu torbicu Sa zlatnim lancem.Jako je slatka i lagana.Dok pisem ovaj post,takodje izbacujem video, i moram da se spremam da krenem a video je tek na 23%.Poželite mi sreću 

Love you💜
Your anddstresas

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