
септембар 29, 2015

My boots and a new video

Good morning lazy but beautiful people.Today i desided to show you my favorite boots and shoes for this kind of weather.I hate Monday's and Tuesday's because I am still sleepy..You??Any way I'm gonna let you to watch a video

Dobro jutro lenji,ali lepi ljudi.Danas sam odlucila da vam pokazem neke od mojih cizmi i cipela za ovakvu vrstu vremena.Najvise mrzim ponedeljke i utorke zato sto sam jos uvek u sleepy fazonu.Ko nije?Dosta price,pusticu vas da gledate video

Your anddstresas

септембар 27, 2015

How to make beautiful,little messy but perfect bun

Making bun is not hard at all.This is how I usually make my bun when i'm reallyyyy late.You can make her at a lot of different ways.Like snail,or something else.How do you make yours.Let me know!(my face on this video looks like a horror movie but don't worry)Leave a comment below.I really want to know how you make yours.Maybe we will learn something from each other

Napraviti pundju uposte nije tesko.Ovako Ja obicno pravim moju kada stvarnoooo kasnim.Mozete je napraviti kao puza ili na neki svoj nacin.Ja to stalno eksperimentisem.Kako vi pravite.Ostavite u komentaru ispod.Mozda naucimo nesto jedno od drugih.

Your anddstresas 

Coats,bags and how to get ready

Hallo beautiful people.Today we're gonna talk about how to dress on this crazy and half cold half warm days.
On this kind of days you should put some cream on your face and hands.You should also use some lipstick on your lips because of the wind.And you don't want your lips to look like orange peel.Right??
For body care you can use some cream with the smell of apple and cinnamon,chestnut or anything that is remaining you on the fall.
For hands care you can also use some chestnut soft cream or anything you like and love.
For lips you should use some Labello.Do not use those shinny lipsticks because on those windy days if you use lipsticks your lips are gonna look like an orange peel even more.Believe me,I know...
For your legs you can also use the cream that you are using for your body.But if you want you can use the other cream.
You legs are let's say.."protected" on your shoes or pants so you don't need to take care of them so much.
But hands and lips,YOU SHOULD
Your hair..well you can't leave her to be wet anymore.Everytime you wash your hair dry her.Because your neck is going to hurt you and you are going to have a headache.You are gonna feel dizzy.You can use some  masks to protect your hair  or something else.That's on you 
The fall is definitely the most epic,the most coolest and the most romantic time of the year.On those days you are preparing your self for cold days,sweaters and the weather.I love rain,wind and those kind of days.Prepair your big books that you were keeping till fall,your comfy sweater and enjoy the fall.
What about you?
Do you love those kind of days?(i mean how does love to wash hair but...still do you?)
What is your favorite wardrobe on the fall and winter?
Let me know!

Your anddstresas 

септембар 25, 2015

Colors,weather and sweater

Hi guys.I'm in Sombor right now and I couldn't wait to take a picture of this sweater.I love him.This great mosaic with these great colors.It is not anything special but for picture it is great.
I don't remember where did I bough this sweater but you can buy this kind of models EVERY WHERE!
At any store.They are warm(but not too warm),comfy.
What are you wearing?Let me know

септембар 23, 2015

Hello autumn,here we come!

Hello everybody!Today is officially the first day of autumn and I am super exited because this is the time of the year where we prepair ourselves for the cold and windy days.But something's missing???!
That's right.The cold weather!It is still hot but that's gonna change soon.Tomorrow I'm going to Sombor and I having some relax and little tiny work time.But mostly relax.I'm also going to post but when I get back.I have some great ideas and I can't wait to use them.Okay,enough nonsense how did you spent your first day of fall?Let me know!
See you soon
P.S.grab your sweaters and books(school and the other books🙈)and enjoy the fall.Kisses

Ćao svima!Danas je (bio)prvi dan jeseni i ja sam jako uzbudjena zato sto je ovo vreme kada se pripremamo(ne jos)za hladne i vetrovite dane.Ali nesto ne dostaje?!!Tako je.Hladnije vreme.Jos uvek je toplo ali to nece trajati zadugo.Sutra idem za Sombor i to će mi biti mali relax I mali photoshoot.Takodje ću postavljati ali najverovatnije kada se vratim.Imam neke extra ideje i ne mogu da dočekam da ih upotrebim.Ok,dosta gluposti(mojih)kako ste vi proveli vas prvi dan jeseni.Recite mi!
P.S.zgrabite džempere i knjige(skolske i druge🐒)i uzivajte u jeseni.

Your anddstresas 

септембар 20, 2015

Black n white

Finally!Rain.I couldn't wait.For this kind of days I have my boots to ankle,some bag and of course my accessories.This autumn you should definitely wear sweaters(poncho-scarf also or something like that),black jeans(also Bordeaux),some boots and anything that is worsted.I really like those kind of sweaters because they are warm and they remind me on Christmas with hot chocolate and some good book and they remind me on my grandma.Do you have some clothes that reminds you on something,let's say vintage or old.I would like to know that,really.So share that with me.Leave a comment below👇🏼

Napokon pada kiša.Nisam mogla da dočekam.Za ovakve dane hajde da kazemo "smežurane"zato sto smo svi kilavi obicno nosim cizme do zgloba,neku torbu i neki nakit.Ove jeseni definitivno bi trebali da nosite dzempere(neki pončo-šal ili tako nesto),crne farmerke(bordo takodje),čizmice i nesto sto je vuneno ili pleteno.Jako volim takve dzempere zato sto su topli,podsećaju me na Božić i toplu čokoladu i na moju babu.Da li vi imate nesto sto vas podseća na hajde da kazemo"vintage".Volela bih da znam,stvarno.Podelite to sa mnom.Ostavite komentar ispod👇🏼


Making my shoes

This is just one picture but I want you to know how I "make"and draw my shoes.I love doing this more then anything.My aunt gives me that pearls and rivets everytime I see her.I am free and crazy artist.THAT'S  me.

Ovo je samo jedna slika ali zelela sam da vidite kako crtam i pravim moje cipelice.Ovo volim da radim vise nego  sta.Moja tetka mi daje ove perlice,nitne..kad god je vidim.Ja sam ludi i slobodni umetnik.TO sam ja.

You can see this photo on my Instagram profile:anddstresas 

Vogue,candle and books

Good morning my beautiful people.I hope that you liked my "night"post.And that you are brave enough to something that you love.I hope that today is going to be cold and rainy so I could go to the mall(finger crossed).Let's see my day

Dobro jutro lepi ljudi.Nadam se da vam se moj sinoćni post sa izlivanjem emocija dopao.I da sam vas inspirisala da uradite ono sto zelite i volite.Nadam se da će danas biti hladno I kisovito pa da mogu u trzni centar.Hajde da vidimo pocetak ovog dana. 

Apple and cinnamon candle
Marc Jacobs glasses
Gold owl and Coca Cola lip balm

Enjoy today because tomorrow is school 😓.
Your anddstresas 

септембар 19, 2015

Feelings,fireworks and the view

This is not even a "real" post.There's no outfit post.I'm in my bed right now and I wanted to share something with you.Every night,there's a fireworks that I can see right through my window.I feel like it's New Year.I'm gonna show you now how that looks like.Hope you like it.
I don't know for who or for what this firework is but I know that in that moment there's something very special that is going on.I don't know what...Just you SHOULD enjoy in every minute of your life even if that's the worst minute in your life.Because of that minute you'll learn something knew,and that experience will make you better and stronger.Don't waste your time on something that can't be fixed anymore or that's gone.Don't waste your tears on something that's gone(especially when you do know that something will never come back).If I can say anything useful for you guys,than this is this.And NEVER but NEVER lose your hope.When you think that she's gone at the end she'll come.You'll see.And I'm great full that I'm the part of that fireworks,because some things in life are not for ever.Some times they are sometimes they're not.So use every minute with the persons that you love.Tell them everything that you wanted to tell them.Forget about anger, pain...JUST DO IT.That's everything.Nothing is too complicated that can't be fixed.I wish you good night and happy and sweet dreams.
P.S.i guess moving in a new apartment isn't that bad as I though so😅.My bad.

Ovaj post uopste ni nije "pravi" post.A pod tim mislim da nema outfit postova.Trenutno sam u krevetu i zelim da podelim nesto Sa vama.Svake noći kroz moj prozor gledam vatromet.Osećam se kao da je Nova godina.(pogledajte video).
Ne znam za koga je ovaj vatromet ili za sta je ali znam da se u tom trenutku desava nesto veoma posebno.Treba da uzvivate u svakom trenutku svog zivota iako je to najgori minut u  tvom zivotu.Zahvaljujući tom  minutu naučićeš nesto novo,i to iskustvo će te napraviti boljom i jačom osobom.Ne trošite vase vreme na nesto sto ne moze da se popravi ili čega nema.Ne trosite "sebe"na nesto cega vise nema(posebno Kada znas da se to nesto nece vratiti).Ako mogu da vam kazem bilo sta korisno onda je to ovo.I NIKADA ali NIKADA ne gubite nadu.Kada pomislite da je vise nema na kraju ona će doći sama od sebe.Videćeš.I zahvalna sam sto sam deo tog vatrometa,zato sto neke stvari u zivotu nisu za uvek.Nekada jesu,nekada nisu.Zato iskorostie svaki mogući minut sa osobom(osobama)koje volite.Recite im sve sto ste oduvek zeleli da im kazete.Zaboravite na ljutnju,bol...SAMO URADITE TO.To je sve.Ništa nije toliko komplikovano da ne moze biti popravljeno.A sada,zelim vam laku noć i slatke snove.
P.S.pretpostavljam da preseljenje u novi stan ipak nije tako losa ideja kao sto sam mislila😅.Moja greška.

Your anddstresas 

септембар 17, 2015

Fringe,on a boat sailor!✌🏼

Sorry for not blogging,and I did not forget you guys.
I really like this dark colors.And the bright colors that can be dark.So today I have this sneakers,(I stole this bag from my friend😅).

Some tattoos and bracelets
Malo tatovaža i neka narukvica

And of course RIVETS🙌🏼
If you love rivets too,leave a comment 👇🏼(below)

I naravno nitne.Kako nešto da prodje bez njih.U koliko i vi volite nitne,ostavite komentar 👇🏼(ispod)

Your anddstresas 

септембар 12, 2015

Me and my clumsiness (Part1,ruining my house)

Good morning my beautiful people.I post a video yesterday on YouTube,actually 2 video.I decided to make one day in three or two months were we're gonna talk about something else.
What do you think?If you like this idea leave  a comment😉.

If you want a recipe,go to YouTube.I wanted really bad to buy this plastic glass.You can put water in it or smoothie.Everything you want.
I just remember.Today I'm gonna talk abou me and my clumsiness.
1.Before maybe a 6 month ago or a year i wanted to take a nail polish to my living room.(P.S.in my living room is always white carpet).It was purple nail polish.I put my hand on my knee and 💥,the purple polish was all over the white carpet.My mom was sleeping so thank God she didn't see that.I took everything possible just to take that polish nail desaster off my carpet.I took alcohol and hydrogen even a white marker,of course I didn't work.I actually needed to buy a new carpet(which of course I didn't).
2.I also rememberd when I stuffed fountain😂😂.
I also had my nail poslish(just this time it was pink)(P.S.i usually don't use those colors(NEVER)).
Anyway,I was in.....bathroom doing my nails.Then the next moment 💥 my nail brush stuffed the fountain.I tried to get her out with Chinese sticks.What kind of moron would do that(of course,ME)?Then the Chinese sticks also stuffed the fountain.What can I say.!
If some stupid (funny)stuffs were or are happening to you share that with me.I really want to know.😉

Dobro jutro my beautiful people.Juče sam postavila video na YouTube tj.dva videa.Odlučila sam da napravim jedan dan u dva tri meseca kada ćemo pričati o nekim drugim stvarima.Šta mislite?Ako vam se dopada idea,ostavite komenar.
Ako želite recept za odličan,ukusan doručak kome je ne moguće odoleti idite na YouTube.(Izvinite što neću moći ds postavim ostali tekst na srpskom,nešto koči.Uglavnom tu pričam o nezgodi Sa ljubičastim lakom i belim tepihom i o lavabou i četkici od laka i kineskim štapićima(P.S.zapušila sam lavabo i unistila tepih)
Ukoliko se i vama desavaju neke ovakve glupe,smesne stvari podelite ih sa mnom.😘.


4in1 video,new things and exhaustion

This day is finally over.I couldn't wait.I was so busy today.I filmed my whole day,I'm gonna post that video on YouTube now,so you can check.I'm going to tell you what that 4in1 video is about;What's in my bag,DIY hair...If you're interested go to YouTube 😉.Now I'm planning to take off my makeup,take a shower and I plan to light a candle because outside it's cold and it smells pretty bad(yuck) and the candle smells like apple&cinnamon😍.What was your day like?(P.S.i fell while i was filming a vlog(WHILE I WAS IN SHOPPING MALL WHIT MY PHONE AND I WAS FILMING LIKE AN IDIOT)!!.Horrible;sorry for that.Ouch,I just fell again,literally😓)

Današnji dan je napokon gotov.Jedva sam dočekala.Danas sam imala veoma naporan dan.Snimala sam moj danasnji dan i sada cu da ga postavim na YouTube pa mozete da ga pogledate.Reći ću vam sta znaci taj 4in1 video;What's in my bag,DIY hair...Ako vas zanima jos idite na YouTube😉.Sada prva stvar koja mi je na pameti i koju planiram da uradim je:da odem da skinem sminku,da se istusiram i upalim mirišljavu sveću zato što je napolju hladno i smrdi a ona miriše na jabuku i cimet.Kakav je vaš dan bio danas?(P.S.pala sam dok sam snimala vlog pala sam(DOK SAM BILA U TRZNOM CENTRU SA TELEFONOM I SNIMALA SAM KAO IDIOT).Ouch,ponovo sam pala bulvalno.😓


септембар 11, 2015

Military,Zoella and Zara

I finally desided to buy this stupid owl.I mean she's not stupid just everyone has her.But I choose this gold color.She was the last,like she was waiting for me😂.It says that she smells like raspberry.Liars.She smells...yuck.She smells like candels.But she sparks so...Anyway i also bought Zoella's book.And i think that's great.Did you guys read this book?What do you think.Leave a comment.What's happening in this book!?I am so curious right now??WHAT??????Okay,I'll just read her😓.I also wanted to buy Juicy pants,but it is so ridiculous to pay some pants for so much money.I mean..I love expensive things and i like to buy them(who doesn't 😅?)but ...So I bought Sugarfree pants.Blue,as you can see.What was your day like?Except that it was rainy😔😊?

Napokon sam odlučila da kupim ovu bezveznu sovu.Mislim,nije glupa samo svi je imaju.Ali ja sam izabrala zlatnu.Bila je poslednja kao da je čekala mene😅.Piše da miriše na malinu.Glupost.Miriše na vosak(sveću).Ali sija tako da...Takodje sam napokon kupila Zoelinu knjigu.Dugo sam zelela da je kupim medjutim posle sam I zaboravila na nju i danas sam je nasla i morala sam da je uzmem.Da li ste je vi pročitali?Šta mislite(ostavite komentar 😉).Baš sam radoznala.Okej,pročitaću je sama😓.Takodje sam zelela da kupim Juicy trenerku ali mislim da je glupo dati tolike pare na trenerku.Mislim ja volim da kupujem skupe stvari(KO ne😅?)ali...Tako da sam se odlučila za Sugarfree trenerku.I prezadovoljna sam.Kakav je bio vaš dan?Sem što je padala kiša☺️?

Potpuno sam zaboravila na ovu military jaknicu 😜


септембар 09, 2015

Leather Jacket,Rivets and Nook

I wanted to wear something beautiful and stylish.This jacket is one of my favorites that i don't wear often.She has a lot of pockets and rivets so she has that biker style.About the t-shirt..I love those kinds of t-shirts.I love how she fall.These pants you guys have seen before.They are almost the same as the white ones.And shoes...You guys know that i am in them all the time.
Želela sam da obučem nešto lepo i fensi.Ova jakna je jedna od jakni koje ja volim ali ne oblačim često.Ima dosta džepova i nitni pa ima taj bajkerski stil.Što se tiče majce...Ja ovakvo padanje jako volim.Ne bitno da li je to majca,jakna ili džemper.Ove farmerke ste već videli.Model je isti kao i bele medjutim ove su ne toliko rastegljive i mekane.A za patike znate da ih ne skidam😆.

септембар 08, 2015

School spirit and grey

I didn't want to wear these pants because I don't know..I love these shoes even if they are old,grey-black.i needed this pants so much,because you always need something white,right?What do you wear on this days?

Prvo nisam zelela da slikam ove farmerke zato sto ne znam..nije mi bio dan za to.Ove convers patike obozavam pa čak i ako su crno-sive.Dugo ih nosim i izgleda da su odslužile svoje.Ove farmerke sumi bas trebale.Neke obično bele.One uvek trebaju.Kada ih imate pitate se šta će vam a kada ih nemate pitate se zasto ih nemate.A i,belo vam uvek treba zar ne?Sta vi nosite u ovim "mešanim danima"?


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