
септембар 23, 2015

Hello autumn,here we come!

Hello everybody!Today is officially the first day of autumn and I am super exited because this is the time of the year where we prepair ourselves for the cold and windy days.But something's missing???!
That's right.The cold weather!It is still hot but that's gonna change soon.Tomorrow I'm going to Sombor and I having some relax and little tiny work time.But mostly relax.I'm also going to post but when I get back.I have some great ideas and I can't wait to use them.Okay,enough nonsense how did you spent your first day of fall?Let me know!
See you soon
P.S.grab your sweaters and books(school and the other books🙈)and enjoy the fall.Kisses

Ćao svima!Danas je (bio)prvi dan jeseni i ja sam jako uzbudjena zato sto je ovo vreme kada se pripremamo(ne jos)za hladne i vetrovite dane.Ali nesto ne dostaje?!!Tako je.Hladnije vreme.Jos uvek je toplo ali to nece trajati zadugo.Sutra idem za Sombor i to će mi biti mali relax I mali photoshoot.Takodje ću postavljati ali najverovatnije kada se vratim.Imam neke extra ideje i ne mogu da dočekam da ih upotrebim.Ok,dosta gluposti(mojih)kako ste vi proveli vas prvi dan jeseni.Recite mi!
P.S.zgrabite džempere i knjige(skolske i druge🐒)i uzivajte u jeseni.

Your anddstresas 
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