
септембар 09, 2015

Leather Jacket,Rivets and Nook

I wanted to wear something beautiful and stylish.This jacket is one of my favorites that i don't wear often.She has a lot of pockets and rivets so she has that biker style.About the t-shirt..I love those kinds of t-shirts.I love how she fall.These pants you guys have seen before.They are almost the same as the white ones.And shoes...You guys know that i am in them all the time.
Želela sam da obučem nešto lepo i fensi.Ova jakna je jedna od jakni koje ja volim ali ne oblačim često.Ima dosta džepova i nitni pa ima taj bajkerski stil.Što se tiče majce...Ja ovakvo padanje jako volim.Ne bitno da li je to majca,jakna ili džemper.Ove farmerke ste već videli.Model je isti kao i bele medjutim ove su ne toliko rastegljive i mekane.A za patike znate da ih ne skidam😆.

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