
октобар 20, 2015

TT Stuffs

Hiiii.It is Tuesday so it is time for TT STuffs.I have some much to talk about.Let's start with  the hats.I saw one perfect,blue M hat.I also saw one ordinary hat.So I can't decide.What do you think?Then I put some red-purple M hat.I don't even know what color is that.I just know I loved it.Then I saw one beautiful fur jacket...Actually it is not a jacket.Anyway,the first one is brown and the second one dark dark blue with little black color.Then I saw....Uhhhhhhh.I want all of that.Then I went to ZARA.I don't shop too much in that store because it is not anything special.But this weekend..I couldn't believe.You know how much I love those dark and twisty but mostly dark colors.Everything was perfect.You know when you have that look on your face like 😍.Where did I shop??Do you feel like that sometimes?Everything is gorgeous and DARK!!Ilove it,I love it...I am planning some decorations for my room.I know that it is too early but..Something simple.Not too..You know what I mean.Like I said on my last fashion post,I ordered some ugg boots.But let's get to the clothes.Where was I???Hmmm,oh yeah.Fluffy things.The second sweater.Wait I already said that.Sorry.
I also want one of those rainy boots.I never loved them because every time I take them off,my feats are boiling.Litterly.But I would take some crazy color.Yellow,red...Tou now,something for the fall and those rainy days.I also saw the most beautiful skirt.And she is not expensive at all.You can always shop something not too expensive,and you can look way better then those with some expensive clothes.There are no rules.You can dress the way you want.And never but NEVER think that you are to skinny or too fat for something.That is why the make bigger and smaller sizes.Am I right?

Ćaooo.Utorak je pa je vreme za TT Stuffs.Imam mnogo tema za razgovor.Hajde da pocnemo sa šeširima.Danas sam ponovo videla jedan savrseni drečavo plavi M šešir i jedan obican ali isto divan plavo-teget.Da skratim priču.Želim ih oba.Onda sam probala neki crveni.Nije nesto.Onda sam nasla dva prelepa krznena prsluka.Jedan je braon a drugi je tamno plavi sa malo crnih delova.Onda sam otisla u ZARA.Ne kupujem toliko cesto u njoj pa da mogu da kazem da je jedna od mojih omiljenih.Ali ovoga puta je bilo drugacije.Znate koliko volim tamne boje pa tako i stvari.Da li vam je  poznat onaj osećaj kada udjete u radnju i imate onaj izraz lica 😍.Kada biste kupili i probali sve?I pitate se gde sam ja kupovala?Gde sam stala?A da.Onda sam nasla neke suknje....(ako vas zanima ceo tekst u originalu procitajte na engleskom)Evo jos jedne stvari.U modi nema pravila.Oblacite se kako vam se hoće.Nema pravila.I nikada ali nikada nemoj da mislis da si premrsava ili predebela za nesto.Zato prave manje i veće veličine.Jesam li u pravu?

Your anddstresas 
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