Ćao.Utorak je i vreme je za TT Stuffs.Ovih Dana opsednuta sam jednom bojom.Ako nosim nesto sivo-crno,ceo outfit i svaki asesoar mora biti takav,ako izaberem belu boju,ceo outfit ce biti takav.Ne znam zasto.Valjda jos neka nova faza.Mozda je i zbog vremena ili raspolozenja...ne znam.Ovih dana dosta sam razmisljala o tome sta zelim u svom zivotu.Volim da crtam,da osmisljam outfite,citam casopise...Ali nijednom,bas nijednom nisam zazalila zato sto pisem ove postove,zato sto ih slikam.Nije me briga da li ce neko da mi kaze kako me nije sramota.Ne radim nista lose i uzivam u tome.Izvinite zato sto nisam postavila nesto malo "modernije"ali tako se osecam ovih dana.Ne zelim da lazem i pisem nesto sto nije.Ali iskreno se nadam da ce mi sledeceg utorka inspiracija biti na visem nivou.Vidimo se uskoro
октобар 27, 2015
TT Stuffs
Hi.It is Tuesday so it's time for TT Stuffs.This days I am obsessed with one color.As you can see.If I am wearing something grey-black,all of my clothes it's grey-black.If I am wearing something white everything needs to be white.That's how that goes.Maybe because of the weather,maybe because my mood.I don't know,but that's how I'm dressing right now.This is the first time that I do not how soo much to talk about.This days I am thinking about what I want in my life.Let's make one thing clear.I did and i still want to be a fashion designer,blogger ..That is what I want and what I love.I love to draw,to shopp,to decide what am i going to wear(even if that's not easy)but I am still enjoying.Not for a second,i did not regret about my decisions.I love what am i doing.I love posting my outfits here and i love taking pictures of them.So that is my decision.Sorry for not posting about something more fashionable today but I really don't want to post something that is not true and talk about something that I don't want to talk about just because i have to.This is how i feel right now i wanted to share this whit you guys and i really hope that next Tuesday i'll have more fashion things to talk about.See you next week