
новембар 29, 2015

Favorite state and places

Hi.So today I desided to talk about my favorite country and the favorite places in it.No doubt,SPAIN 🇪🇸.My favorite.I love the air,the ocean,the streets and the shops.I love people,I love their language(and I love that I can talk whit them because I know Spanish).The most beautiful place on Earth.For me,of course.Someone would say America(LA,NY..),but for me Spain.People there are one,they are kind and nice to each other.They love the life that they are living in that moment.Hotels and beaches are also amazing.Hotels and their beautiful breakfast.Yeah baby...Good book,bikini,the sun,sunglasses and some fruit or snacks.Am I right?But i enjoy more at losing on their streets until I can't walk anymore and until my feels are killing me.I enjoy at every single moment spending on their streets and taking some pictures of the city.I've been there for 5 times.And everytime is  better then the last one.At Palma there is one beautiful place with  some beautiful candies.From chocolate cherries to baklavas.Gorgeous
So enjoy in the things that you have.Love you
Favorite places:
-Some place with burgers across the street

Ćao.U ovom postu cu vam pricati o mojoj omiljenoj drzavi i njenim mestima.Definitivno i bez razmisljanja Španija🇪🇸.Moje omiljeno.Volim njihov vazduh,more,ulice,jezik(koji obozavam zato sto mogu da SE sporazumevam sa ljudima).Najlepse mesto na Zemlji.Za mene naravno.Nekome JE to Amerika(LA,NY..)medjutim meni je Spanija kao rodno mesto.Ljudi tamo su ljubazni i fini jedni prema drugome.Kao jedna celina.Hoteli i plaze su takodje fantasticne.Dobra knjiga,bikini,naocare za sunce i nesto za grickanje.Takodje,medjutim radije obucem patike i odem da SE gubim po ulicima i slikam ispred gradjevina ili KUĆA koje sam vec videla jedno milion puta.Bila sam tamo 5 puta i svaki put je sve bolje.U Palmi..nemam reci.Oduzima dah.Ima jedna kao staro-nova poslastičarnica koja Ima sve zivo.Počevši od cokoladnih visnji pa sve do lisnatog testa Sa kajsijom.Mmmmm.Predivno i vredno za posetiti.Tako da uzivajte u zivotu i u stvarima koje donosi jer mesto na kom ste je mesto na kom je sudjeno da budete.

Neka!!dobra mesta:
-Neko mesto sa kao Americkim burgerima preko puta

Bakery with candies

The view from my terase 

I call this street👆🏻Chineese street.It is sooooooo full.Whit people,places

Little shopping

Your anddstresas

новембар 28, 2015

Totally in Texas mood

Hi beautiful.Today I am totally in Texas mood(as you can see).Weather is rainy and cold.And I am still dressing like it's summer.I mean,it is 2•C I know I am crazy but I wanted to wear this today.But sense I am always inside it's okay.I am sorry for not posting TT Stuffs.I don't have much to say so I'm going to let you see the pics

Ćaoooooooo,Danas sam cela u nekom plavom Texas fazonu i znam da JE napolju 2C• Ali s obzirom da najvise vremena provodim unutra,nije velika steta.Izvinjavam SE sto nije bilo TT Stuffs .Nemam bas puno da vam kazem pa zasto da lupetam gluposti.Uzivajte i gledajte slike

новембар 22, 2015

Blue fur and ❄️

Hi everyone.When I woke up this morning there was a big surprise.SNOW!!I had a dream about snow.Maybe that's somehow related.Anyway,this day was very awful,because of some stupid things but I didn't let that to ruin my mood.As you can see I am still wearing sunglasses.Becuase my eyes heart.I don't know.Probably because of the light,the snow and all of those shinny things.I have to admit that this is not one of my good outfits.I had some really cool ones this week but...Outfit!I bought this blue fur 👕(no other pic).I love it.That was my New Years present from me to me.Haahah.How did you spend this evening?

Ćao.Kada sam SE probudila jutros docekalo me JE veliko iznenadjene.SNEG!!Dugo sam ga cekala i napokon se nakanio da dodje.Sanjala sam ga.Mozda ima i veze sa tim.Nego,danasnji dan je bio i bezveze i odlican.Ali nisam dopustila da mi to pokvari raspolozenje.Moram da priznam da mi ovo nije jedan od boljih outfita.Imala sam odlicnih ove nedelje medjutim nisam bila u prilici da ih slikam.Jos uvek nosim naocare.Mozete slobodno da kazete da nisam normalna medjutim oci me uzasno peku i cudno reaguju na bilo koje jace svetlo.A i divan su detalj.Sto SE tice prsluka.Zelela sam jedan ovakav i nikako da nadjem onaj pravi.Ovaj mi je pao kao dar sa neba.Uzasno je topao,lep i udoban.To je Novogodisnji poklon od mene za mene.Haahaha.Nego kako ste vi promeveli prvi snežni dan?


Your anddstresas 

новембар 17, 2015

TT Stuffs

Hi guys.I know I haven't posted anything sense the last Tuesday but i am in big rush.And I have some problems with photographer but this weekend I'll post an outfit post.Promise.Anyway I bought one beautiful parka and I love her so much because you can wear her on two different ways.I also bought some sweater and some grey-black pants and Moncler hat with fur.It's gorgeous.Right now I'm doing something very cool and exciting.But I'm still not gonna tell what is it.That's going to be a big surprise.So enjoy at this week as much as possible and I'll see you on weekend.Good night

Ćao.Znam da nisam NISTA postavljala of proslog utorka ali u velikoj sam guzvi.I imala sam nekih problema Sa fotografima.Ali ovog vikenda CU izbaciti jedan zanimljivi outfit post.U skorije vreme sam kupila jednu divnu zelenu parku Sa krznom i jos neke stvari...Imam neke uzbudljive vesti ali moracete da SE strpite.Uzivajte u ovoj nedelji koliko god mozete.Laku noć

Your anddstresas 

новембар 10, 2015

TT Stuffs

Today I want to talk about traveling,living and enjoying.Life is very short and complicated.So you need to use every single moment in your life.Because you don't know if you are gonna be able to do those things later.You need to travel and meet new people and different cultures.You need to learn how to enjoy the little things.The view,the new morning..First,you need to love those things if you want to love something else or someone else.If you ever lost something very important in your life than you know how life is short and that everything is in those little but perfect moments.
You also need to love yourself a little bit.Find one thing on yourself that you like.I don't know,your hair,nails,clothes or style.And work on that.Don't be shy to ask,demand or do the things you want to do.I hated myself couple months ago.I did not love any single thing on me.If I can say that.So I tried and I did it.I still do not think that I am perfect.But I did everything in my power to like myself just a little bit."She believed she could,so she did".Make that your motto.
Now,traveling.I love to travel I mean who doesn't.I love all religions.If you are not in possibility to travel you can always search something or read something about that place.
Now I'm gonna talk about my obsession,as my mom says.SHOPPING.She says that's not normal.But I think it is.I love shopping.I already talked about that but I am full of inspiration.I love talking,seeing and thinking about fashion.So I think I'm gonna stop talking now because if I continue with talking I will talk all day.Love you very much.

Danas zelim da PRICAM o putovanju,zivotu i uzivanju u malim stvarima.Morate da iskoristite svaku sekundu,svaki momenat vaseg zivota.Ne znate da li ce te ubuduce biti u mogucnosti da to uradite.Treba da putujete i upoznajete nove ljude i kulture.Morate da naucite kako da uzivate u malim stvarima.U pogledu,novom jutru.Zato sto cete ceo zivot provesti i trpeti sa sobom,pa zasto da ne uzivate u tome.Morate da volite male stvari ako zelite da volite nekog drugog ili nesto drugo.Ako ste ikada izgubili nesto bitno onda znate kako je zivot kratak i komplikovan.
Naucite da volite sebe barem malo.Svoju kosu,nokte,lice...I radite na tome.Verujte mi,sve ce se promeniti."She believed she could,so she did".Neka vam to bude moto.
A sad,putovanja.Mislim da svi obozavamo da putujemo.Ukoliko niste u mogucnosti istrazujte,gledajte malo o tom mestu.
A sad,moja opsesija.KUPOVINA.Barem moja mama kaze da je opsesija.Ali ja u tome uzivam i o ovome sam pricala u nekom postu.Volim da pricam,gledam,slusam o modi.Mislim da cu prestati sa pricom,zato sto bih mogla da pricam do sutra.Volim vas i vidimo se.

Your anddstresas 

Filming and enjoying the Sun

Good morning.Actually,it's not morning.Weather was great.Real autumn.Little sun,beautiful weather and of course black color.There is also white color but mostly black.I'm going to let you to see the photos.Enjoy

Your anddstresas 

новембар 09, 2015

Blue bag and empty streets

Hi guys.From all of the pictures this one is my favorite.This outfit a little bit looks like the post before maybe 2 days ago.As you can see I love this pants.They are great and comfortable.

новембар 08, 2015

Easy there,black color

Hi everyone.This outfit is one of my favorites.Comfortable sneakers,attractive pants,comfy sweater and nice colorful bag(also heavy).The doors behind me are so great and cool.They are very old so now I am black n old.I love seeing and meeting old things and stuffs.It make me feel special.I feel like I'm stuck in time.It is gorgeous.That view,that feeling in your chest.I feel beautiful because I am a part of that history that's behind those doors.So that night was,let's say,magical

Ćao svima.Ovaj outfit je jedan od mojih omiljenih.Udobne patike,privlačne i zanimljive pantalone,udoban dzemper i lepa jednobojna tasna(takodje teska).Vrata iza mene su mnogo lepsa uzivo.Veoma su stara tako da sam u fazonu black n old.Obozavam da upoznajem i vidim stare stvari.Osećam se posebno.Osećam se kao zaostala u vremenu.Taj osećaj u vasim grudima,taj pogled..Osecam se predivno zato sto u tom trenutku postajem deo istorije tih vrata(u ovom slucaju).Pa hajde da kazemo da je ta noć bila magična.

Your anddstresas 

новембар 07, 2015

Grey n blue

Hi guys.Yesterday I started filming a vlog.I hope you like it.It is cold outside but not too much.This is my new blue bag.I love her.Maybe it will sound silly but her name is Virginia Pepe Coco.I know,right?I saw her in the mall.I couldn't resist.She is my new favorite bag.About the pants.They are new and so comfortable.Sweater..you know that sweater if you don't it's a black sweater with the fur.Black fur.

Ćao ljudi.Juce sam pocela sa snimanjem vloga.Nadam se da ce vam se svideti.Napolju je maglovito i hladno.Ali nije toliko hladno da ne mozete da mrdnete.Imam novu torbu u kolekciji.Plava torba kao sto videti.Dala sam joj ime.Zvučaće vam glupo i bezveze ali da ,dajem imena torbama.Znam?!Njeno ime je Virginia Pepe Coco.Sto se tice pantalona.One su mi nove i jako su udobne.Dzemper mislim da znate.U koliko ne znate,u pitanju je crni dzemper.I crnim krznom

New bag

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