
новембар 22, 2015

Blue fur and ❄️

Hi everyone.When I woke up this morning there was a big surprise.SNOW!!I had a dream about snow.Maybe that's somehow related.Anyway,this day was very awful,because of some stupid things but I didn't let that to ruin my mood.As you can see I am still wearing sunglasses.Becuase my eyes heart.I don't know.Probably because of the light,the snow and all of those shinny things.I have to admit that this is not one of my good outfits.I had some really cool ones this week but...Outfit!I bought this blue fur 👕(no other pic).I love it.That was my New Years present from me to me.Haahah.How did you spend this evening?

Ćao.Kada sam SE probudila jutros docekalo me JE veliko iznenadjene.SNEG!!Dugo sam ga cekala i napokon se nakanio da dodje.Sanjala sam ga.Mozda ima i veze sa tim.Nego,danasnji dan je bio i bezveze i odlican.Ali nisam dopustila da mi to pokvari raspolozenje.Moram da priznam da mi ovo nije jedan od boljih outfita.Imala sam odlicnih ove nedelje medjutim nisam bila u prilici da ih slikam.Jos uvek nosim naocare.Mozete slobodno da kazete da nisam normalna medjutim oci me uzasno peku i cudno reaguju na bilo koje jace svetlo.A i divan su detalj.Sto SE tice prsluka.Zelela sam jedan ovakav i nikako da nadjem onaj pravi.Ovaj mi je pao kao dar sa neba.Uzasno je topao,lep i udoban.To je Novogodisnji poklon od mene za mene.Haahaha.Nego kako ste vi promeveli prvi snežni dan?


Your anddstresas 
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