
новембар 08, 2015

Easy there,black color

Hi everyone.This outfit is one of my favorites.Comfortable sneakers,attractive pants,comfy sweater and nice colorful bag(also heavy).The doors behind me are so great and cool.They are very old so now I am black n old.I love seeing and meeting old things and stuffs.It make me feel special.I feel like I'm stuck in time.It is gorgeous.That view,that feeling in your chest.I feel beautiful because I am a part of that history that's behind those doors.So that night was,let's say,magical

Ćao svima.Ovaj outfit je jedan od mojih omiljenih.Udobne patike,privlačne i zanimljive pantalone,udoban dzemper i lepa jednobojna tasna(takodje teska).Vrata iza mene su mnogo lepsa uzivo.Veoma su stara tako da sam u fazonu black n old.Obozavam da upoznajem i vidim stare stvari.Osećam se posebno.Osećam se kao zaostala u vremenu.Taj osećaj u vasim grudima,taj pogled..Osecam se predivno zato sto u tom trenutku postajem deo istorije tih vrata(u ovom slucaju).Pa hajde da kazemo da je ta noć bila magična.

Your anddstresas 
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