
новембар 29, 2015

Favorite state and places

Hi.So today I desided to talk about my favorite country and the favorite places in it.No doubt,SPAIN 🇪🇸.My favorite.I love the air,the ocean,the streets and the shops.I love people,I love their language(and I love that I can talk whit them because I know Spanish).The most beautiful place on Earth.For me,of course.Someone would say America(LA,NY..),but for me Spain.People there are one,they are kind and nice to each other.They love the life that they are living in that moment.Hotels and beaches are also amazing.Hotels and their beautiful breakfast.Yeah baby...Good book,bikini,the sun,sunglasses and some fruit or snacks.Am I right?But i enjoy more at losing on their streets until I can't walk anymore and until my feels are killing me.I enjoy at every single moment spending on their streets and taking some pictures of the city.I've been there for 5 times.And everytime is  better then the last one.At Palma there is one beautiful place with  some beautiful candies.From chocolate cherries to baklavas.Gorgeous
So enjoy in the things that you have.Love you
Favorite places:
-Some place with burgers across the street

Ćao.U ovom postu cu vam pricati o mojoj omiljenoj drzavi i njenim mestima.Definitivno i bez razmisljanja Španija🇪🇸.Moje omiljeno.Volim njihov vazduh,more,ulice,jezik(koji obozavam zato sto mogu da SE sporazumevam sa ljudima).Najlepse mesto na Zemlji.Za mene naravno.Nekome JE to Amerika(LA,NY..)medjutim meni je Spanija kao rodno mesto.Ljudi tamo su ljubazni i fini jedni prema drugome.Kao jedna celina.Hoteli i plaze su takodje fantasticne.Dobra knjiga,bikini,naocare za sunce i nesto za grickanje.Takodje,medjutim radije obucem patike i odem da SE gubim po ulicima i slikam ispred gradjevina ili KUĆA koje sam vec videla jedno milion puta.Bila sam tamo 5 puta i svaki put je sve bolje.U Palmi..nemam reci.Oduzima dah.Ima jedna kao staro-nova poslastičarnica koja Ima sve zivo.Počevši od cokoladnih visnji pa sve do lisnatog testa Sa kajsijom.Mmmmm.Predivno i vredno za posetiti.Tako da uzivajte u zivotu i u stvarima koje donosi jer mesto na kom ste je mesto na kom je sudjeno da budete.

Neka!!dobra mesta:
-Neko mesto sa kao Americkim burgerima preko puta

Bakery with candies

The view from my terase 

I call this street👆🏻Chineese street.It is sooooooo full.Whit people,places

Little shopping

Your anddstresas

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