This was Beyonce on
Wed, July 22, 2015 10:44am .So she didn't use soo much makeup.And that makes her look younger and beautiful.Everyone's beautiful on their own special way.Everytime I see someone who is reallyyy fat(like 100kg)everyone are saying how fat she is.But I never do that.I say that she's beautiful the way she is.And that makes her special.Not expensive clothes or makeup..just her.And another reason I don't say that is because I was fat once(not like 100kg,just few pounds more)And that's our worst enemy right girls?😅.So you should NEVER say for someone that's ugly,mean,fat...because one day someone's gonna tall you the same thing,and you are not going to feel nice,right?.So everytime someone says something ugly about someone else you say that's not nice and that she/he is more(maybe)beautiful than you think.And then at that moment you now you did the right thing.In my next post i'm going to talk about some makeup tricks
Ovo je bila Bijonse u sredu 22.jula 2015 godine u 10:44 ujutru.Ona nije koristila puno šminke,i zato izgleda mladje i lepše.Svi su lepi na neki svoj posebni način.Kada god vidim nekoga ko je stvarno debeo(kao 100kg)svi govore koliko je debela.Ali ja nikada to ne radim.Kažem da je lepa takva kakva je.I to je čini posebnom.Ne skupa odeća ili šminka...samo ona.I još jedan razlog zašto to me kažem je zato što sam i ja bila debela(ne 100kg,ali koji kilogram viška)A to je naš najgori neprijatelj,zar ne devojke?😅.Tako da nemojte nikada ni za koga da kažete da je ružan,zao,debeo...zato što će neko tako tebi da kaže nešto i nećeš se osećati prijatno,zar be?Kad god neko za nekoga kaže nešto ružno za nekog drugog ti kaži da to nije lepo i da ona/on je možda mnogo lepši nego što ti misliš.I onda u tom trenutku znaš da si uradila pravu stvar.U mom sledećem postu pričaću o makeup trikovima.