I have one beautiful green dress that would look great with some black high heels or some black jacket.She wasn't so expensive.I would tell you were I bought it but I don't know because everytime I buy something new i take off the price and those papers..Anyway,I also have these bracelets.I matched them with the dress.You can always put more.That bracelet with the forever meaning i bought in Spain last year💳.The fat one is PURO,and those thin ones...well they were a gift.That earrings I bought in H&M last year😓.It was awesome price and there were 5 or 6 earnings so..And that glasses are Marc Jacobs and of course gold tattoos.They are not expensive at all.Look,i'm sorry for not blogging this morning about makeup i just had so much things to do.Thank you for understanding.
Pa,danas mi je bila poenta da vam pokažem da ako želite da izgledate lepo ne morate da nosite skupe stvari.Npr.ovaj outfit:Da vidimo šta ima danas😉
Imam jednu lepu zelenu haljinu koja bi išla super uz neke crne štikle ili neku crnu jaknu.Haljina nije bila tako skupa.Rekla bih vam gde sam je kupila ali ne znam ni ja zato što kada god kupim nešto novo skinem cenu i one ostale papire..Nego,takodje imam ove narukvice.Uklopila sam ih sa haljinom.Uvek možete da stavite više.Ta narukvica sa forever značenjem sam kupila u Španiji prošle godine💳.Debela je PURO,a te tanke..pa njih sam dobila na poklon.Te mindjuše sam kupila u H&M isto prošle godine 😓.Cena je bila super i bilo je 5 ili 6 mindjuša.Naočare su Marc Jacobs i naravno zlatne tetovaže.One nisu upošte skupe.Žao mi je što nisam postavljala jutros o šminci ali sam imala puno obaveza.Hvala na razumevanju