I've started with this blog because I needed something to hold.Life is not perfect.Yes,you can have expensive bags,clothes,and all of those stuffs but that's not happiness.I realized that.In this moment i have everything that I wanted in couple of years,but i'm still not happy enough.That's because happiness is in real and small things.Not materials.I wanted to share that with you guys.My last year was not so great and the beginning of this one,but I think that now is okay.In life horrible things does happen,but in that moment you need to have the right person next to you.Now my person is this blog.Hope you like it.I'm going to start posting my outfit
Počela sam sa ovim blogom zato što mi je trebalo nešto za šta mogu da se držim.Život nije savršen.Da,možete da imate skupe tašne,odeću ali to nije sreća.Shvatila sam to.U ovom trenutku imam sve što sam želela poslednjih godina,ali još uvek fali nešto.To je zato što je sreća u pravim i malim stvarima.Ne materijalnim.Prošla godina mi nije bila najbolja ni početak ove,ali mislim da je sada u redu.U životu,grozne stvari se dešavaju,ali u tom trenutku treba da imaš pravu osobu pored sebe.Sada moja osoba je ovaj blog.Nadam se da vam se svidja.Počeću da postavljam moj outfit