
октобар 31, 2015

Cold weather and leather jacket

Hi guys.Today was so cold.I was freezing.I though that I am not going to need something more.Like always.Clever me.Anyway,as you can see I am still doing that one-color outfit.I noticed that.Today I was wearing this black leather jacket I bought two years ago in Greek,this fur jacket,white pants,white shoes and little black purse.Don't forget the sunglasses.

Ćao drustvo.Danas je bilo jako hladno.Usli smo u pravu jesen.Medjutim Ja,pametnica,obukla sam samo ovo i smrzla sam se.Kao sto se i da primetiti,jos uvek koristim jedna-boja outfit.Nikada to ne planiram.Jednostavno se tako pogodi.Danas sam nosila ovu koznu jaknu koju sam kupila pre 2 godine u Grckoj,ispod nje krzneni duks,bele farmerke,bele patike i malu crnu torbicu.A da,i ne zaboravite naocare za sunce


I was wearing:
Leather jacket
Tezenis dzemper sa zvezdama
Masimo Dutti bele farmerke
Prada patike

октобар 27, 2015

TT Stuffs

Hi.It is Tuesday so it's time for TT Stuffs.This days I am obsessed with one color.As you can see.If I am wearing something grey-black,all of my clothes it's grey-black.If I am wearing something white everything needs to be white.That's how that goes.Maybe because of the weather,maybe because my mood.I don't know,but that's how I'm dressing right now.This is the first time that I do not how soo much to talk about.This days I am thinking about what I want in my life.Let's make one thing clear.I did and i still want to be a fashion designer,blogger ..That is what I want and what I love.I love to draw,to shopp,to decide what am i going to wear(even if that's not easy)but I am still enjoying.Not for a second,i did not regret about my decisions.I love what am i doing.I love posting my outfits here and i love taking pictures of them.So that is my decision.Sorry for not posting about something more fashionable today but I really don't want to post something that is not true and talk about something that I don't want to talk about just because i have to.This is how i feel right now i wanted to share this whit you guys and i really  hope that next Tuesday i'll have more fashion things to talk about.See you next week

Ćao.Utorak je i vreme je za TT Stuffs.Ovih Dana opsednuta sam jednom bojom.Ako nosim nesto sivo-crno,ceo outfit i svaki asesoar mora biti takav,ako izaberem belu boju,ceo outfit ce biti takav.Ne znam zasto.Valjda jos neka nova faza.Mozda je i zbog vremena ili raspolozenja...ne znam.Ovih dana dosta sam razmisljala o tome sta zelim u svom zivotu.Volim da crtam,da osmisljam outfite,citam casopise...Ali nijednom,bas nijednom nisam zazalila zato sto pisem ove postove,zato sto ih slikam.Nije me briga da li ce neko da mi kaze kako me nije sramota.Ne radim nista lose i uzivam u tome.Izvinite zato sto nisam postavila nesto malo "modernije"ali tako se osecam ovih dana.Ne zelim da lazem i pisem nesto sto nije.Ali iskreno se nadam da ce mi sledeceg utorka inspiracija biti na visem nivou.Vidimo se uskoro 

октобар 25, 2015

Jacket sleeveless and comfy sweater

Hi guys.Today is kind of beautiful and a little bit sunny day.Real autumn.Just add hot chocolate and you are done.For today's outfit I am wearing my favorite sweater,this sleeveless jacket,white pants and short little boots.How are you spending this sunny Sunday?

Ćao drustvo.Danas je lep i suncan dan.Prava jesen.Samo dodajte toplu cokoladu i TO je to.Za danasnji outfit imam "jaknicu" bez rukava,bele pantalone(već vidjene) i kratke cizmice do zgloba.Kako vi provodite ovu nedelju?

октобар 24, 2015

White shirt and black t-shirt

Hi guys.Today's post in all black and white.I love this t-shirt because it says:I LOVE MARC,KARL,...Some of the most gorges designers.The weather was like well you know the feel when you want to cry and then someone says like hi and you start to cry like a rain.That is how weather was today.This pants I think you know(from Spain),the purse is stollen from my moms wardrobe and the rest well I think you know.See you soon
Ćao ljudi.Danasnji post je CEO crno-beli.Ova majica je jedna od mojih omiljenih zato sto su na njoj nazivi nekih poznatih,divnih dizajnera;I LOVE KARL,Christian...Vreme je bilo znate onaj momenat kada zelite da zaplacete i ne mozete i jednom momentu neko vam kaze nesto i pocnete da placete kao kiša.Pa tako je i vreme danas.Ove pantalone mislim da znate(iz Spanije),torbica je ukradena od moje mame i ostatak mislim da vec znate.Vidimo se uskoro.

октобар 20, 2015

TT Stuffs

Hiiii.It is Tuesday so it is time for TT STuffs.I have some much to talk about.Let's start with  the hats.I saw one perfect,blue M hat.I also saw one ordinary hat.So I can't decide.What do you think?Then I put some red-purple M hat.I don't even know what color is that.I just know I loved it.Then I saw one beautiful fur jacket...Actually it is not a jacket.Anyway,the first one is brown and the second one dark dark blue with little black color.Then I saw....Uhhhhhhh.I want all of that.Then I went to ZARA.I don't shop too much in that store because it is not anything special.But this weekend..I couldn't believe.You know how much I love those dark and twisty but mostly dark colors.Everything was perfect.You know when you have that look on your face like 😍.Where did I shop??Do you feel like that sometimes?Everything is gorgeous and DARK!!Ilove it,I love it...I am planning some decorations for my room.I know that it is too early but..Something simple.Not too..You know what I mean.Like I said on my last fashion post,I ordered some ugg boots.But let's get to the clothes.Where was I???Hmmm,oh yeah.Fluffy things.The second sweater.Wait I already said that.Sorry.
I also want one of those rainy boots.I never loved them because every time I take them off,my feats are boiling.Litterly.But I would take some crazy color.Yellow,red...Tou now,something for the fall and those rainy days.I also saw the most beautiful skirt.And she is not expensive at all.You can always shop something not too expensive,and you can look way better then those with some expensive clothes.There are no rules.You can dress the way you want.And never but NEVER think that you are to skinny or too fat for something.That is why the make bigger and smaller sizes.Am I right?

Ćaooo.Utorak je pa je vreme za TT Stuffs.Imam mnogo tema za razgovor.Hajde da pocnemo sa šeširima.Danas sam ponovo videla jedan savrseni drečavo plavi M šešir i jedan obican ali isto divan plavo-teget.Da skratim priču.Želim ih oba.Onda sam probala neki crveni.Nije nesto.Onda sam nasla dva prelepa krznena prsluka.Jedan je braon a drugi je tamno plavi sa malo crnih delova.Onda sam otisla u ZARA.Ne kupujem toliko cesto u njoj pa da mogu da kazem da je jedna od mojih omiljenih.Ali ovoga puta je bilo drugacije.Znate koliko volim tamne boje pa tako i stvari.Da li vam je  poznat onaj osećaj kada udjete u radnju i imate onaj izraz lica 😍.Kada biste kupili i probali sve?I pitate se gde sam ja kupovala?Gde sam stala?A da.Onda sam nasla neke suknje....(ako vas zanima ceo tekst u originalu procitajte na engleskom)Evo jos jedne stvari.U modi nema pravila.Oblacite se kako vam se hoće.Nema pravila.I nikada ali nikada nemoj da mislis da si premrsava ili predebela za nesto.Zato prave manje i veće veličine.Jesam li u pravu?

Your anddstresas 

октобар 18, 2015

All grey-black

Hi guys.I wanted to do this post on Saturday but I did it today.Thees days I am in grey n black mood.Maybe because weather is like that.I've seen so beautiful clothes today and the day before that and the day before that.Now I am just looking some black purse.You know,little one.That I can carry everywhere,and to add some accessories on it.I wanted to buy some bag that looks like Chanel boy bag(I still do)but I can't wait anymore.Long story.Anyway,this month is crazy.There are so beautiful and fashion clothes and stuffs.I want to buy every single piece.Wheather looks like...well weather.We are in the fall almost one month.Mornings are like they should look.Beautiful and little sunny.But not to much.So you can wear coats,jackets and hats.
About coats.I really want to buy one.But not ordinary one.I want to buy  coat without the sleeves.You know what I mean?Those beautiful and fashionable grey,black or purple sleeve-out coats.
I also want to buy one beautiful blue M hat.I saw one yesterday.It is gorgeous.So,so well like the fall.I know silly right?
I also want to buy one green parka.What do you think about that.
Two hours ago I have seen the cutest  little black bag.It looks like circle.But she has that gold strach.
I also ordered UGG Bailey...boots.I love those boots.I don't care if they're out.I love them.You can wear them everywhere and with everything.
I have so much fashion things to talk to you guys,but you are gonna need to wait until Tuesday.Because then are TT Stuffs.
Enjoy the fashion and tomorrow's Monday.Make that Monday the best day of your life.

Your anddstresas 

октобар 12, 2015

Prague Haul || UNBOXING

Good morning beautiful.My mom came this morning from Prague and she brought me some beautiful gifts.

P.S.Before she went there I made a list of the things that I want her to buy.You should do that to.Because you get what you want and if they don't find that they feel guilty.So,anyway do not enjoy at this Monday and school.Accept the ones who loves school

P.P.S.Check out my YouTube haul video


Dobro jutro ljudi.Rano ujutru mama mi je dosla iz Praga i donela mi neke lepe stvarčice.
P.S.Pre nego sto je otisla tamo napravila sam joj listu stvari koje zelim da mi kupi.I vi bi to trebali da pravite.Zato sto dobijes ono sto zelis a ako ti oni to ne nadju osećaju se krivim.Nego,nemojte da uzivate  u ovom ponedeljku i skoli.Sem onih koji vole skolu.
P.P.S.Pogledajte moj YouTube haul video

Your anddstresas 

октобар 09, 2015

6 Things to do this fall

Ha,I got you.I know some of you probably do not like to cook,but I enjoy doing that.You shouldn't just look at that like:"Oh not again".You SHOULD enjoy doing that.You can make anything you want.For example;
You can bake some ordinary cookies,even if they are delicious but they are boring for this time of the year.There are no colors,big and scary but cool patterns..So you can make that or you can make something like this:
They are so cool.Right?I mean they are not scary but they look good and attractive.This was one example.Here's another one
So after this text don't you want to even try to bake something and make a mess and at the end enjoy at this?

Finally I can do this.I do this on the begging of the New Years evening or later but..I just realized that I haven't decorate my room yet.But it is never to early to decorate.Am I right.
You can take some little and cute let's just say "chandeliers"on your wall or you can take some big balls or anything you want.Your room,your choise

I think that everyone loves this one.Do you?I mean,I really love to shop.Just think about the perfect night,snow outside,you in a coat.What do you think.I am like real and big shopping girl.It is never enough right?
That's not so beautiful huh?I mean everyone loves shopping but not for someone else.I do that just when it is some big "thing" in the year.Like Christmas,New Year,some birthdays..But we all feel better when we give or buy something for someone else.Right?There face,there eyes are so sparkling.That is the real joy.So,make a difference and buy something for someone else.You'll feel better.I did 

Do you like those food books.I love those books but not the ones with food recepices inside.They are so boring and not attractive.I mean they are not real.How do you know are those pictures are photoshopped or not?I love those books whit some character inside and the stories about the fall,winter,hot chocolate and the smell of vanilla and cinnamon.Do you? 

This is the time where you should enjoy at the little things that you have in your life.So do what you like and love and be whit the persons that you love.Shorter way;ENJOY THE YEAR

Your anddstresas 

октобар 06, 2015

Late video uploads

I know I am a bit much late with September favorites but here they are.Enjoy the show

Znam da kasnim sa Septembarskim favoritima ali evo i oni su tu.Ukratko uzivajte

Your (😴)anddstresas 

октобар 02, 2015


Hi.As you know fashion weeks are still on.Now i am going to show you couple of my favorites dresses.It is just couple because if I continue with talking I will talk till tomorrow.Which one is your favorite?Go to YouTube on my channel and enjoy the view(some of this dresses were from 2015 fashion weeks).Do you like the patterns and design?Let me know!

Ćao,kao sto znate modne revija su jos uvek u toku.Sada cu vam kroz ovaj mali video pokazati neke od mojih omiljenih ovogodisnjih haljina.Ima ih naravno jos ali ako bih sve haljine i majce i kapute...stavila u ovaj video,videu ne bi bilo kraja.Sta vi mislite?Kako vam se svidjaju sare i dezeni?Recite mi.

октобар 01, 2015

Few words about October

Hi beautiful people.Today is the October 2nd if i am not wrong.I am so happy that I can finally use my favorites sweaters.Today is Friday.The final day of the week.I realized (just now) how fast time past.Look,now is october.I can't believe that it past 2 months seance I was on my holiday.
Weather is sometimes cold sometimes warm.It is sooo confusing,because weather is like i said.Sometimes it is warm and sometimes it is cold.I am not gonna talk about the stupid weather anymore.
What are your plans for this magic October?
Do you like winter or summer more?
Let me know!

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